Project Rhino is an association of leading conservation agencies, state and community game reserves, rhino owners and anti-poaching specialists working together to conserve South Africa’s wildlife.
Founding Statement
“Project Rhino is an association of like-minded organisations, facilitating rhino conservation interventions aimed at eliminating rhino poaching and securing the white and black rhino populations of KwaZulu-Natal. The members of Project Rhino recognise that the work in conserving and protecting rhinos from the threat of poaching is symbolic of the broader threat faced by all wildlife and that all wildlife will benefit from actions taken by Project Rhino. The association is also aware that the poaching of rhino is symptomatic of the overall, bigger environmental crises facing South Africa and its neighbours.”
What motivates us daily is the dream of both White and Black rhino species thriving in KwaZulu-Natal and far beyond – forever free, forever secure from poaching, well managed and protected. Today we strive to protect the world’s last remaining African rhino species, so that tomorrow they will still continue to play their vital role in our continent’s irreplaceable and beautiful ecosystems, contributing to an ever-growing realization of our fundamental reliance on the natural environment (and ALL its elements) for our very basic needs. We honour their uniqueness as one of the primary icons of Africa’s great wilderness areas.
Zero Tolerance to Rhino Poaching: Continually decrease the rate of poaching every year in South Africa.
Priorities 2022 and Beyond
Project Rhino’s collective approach to rhino anti-poaching is both proactive and reactive.
- Coordination
- Ranger and Reserve Support
- Wildlife Youth & Leadership Development
- Supporting a Conservation Economy
Purpose and Scope
Now in its tenth year of operations, Project Rhino brings together organisations with a common vision and goal, identifies synergies through an integrated, common approach and collectively is a representative body which carries powerful leverage ability.
Key Aims
To secure all rhinos in KwaZulu-Natal from the threat of poaching so that their numbers continue to increase and contribute to the national and global rhino populations, for the benefit of current and future generations:
- Prevent duplication of projects;
- Consolidate resources for maximum impact;
- Create a common vision;
- Create credibility with the general public;
- Educate the public and rural communities bordering KZN game reserves;
- Collaborate, support and promote Project Rhino members;
- Ensure collaboration, coordination and communication;
- Create a space for information sharing and a community of learning;
- Create a credible platform for fundraising and partnerships;
- Provide a centralised communications hub to media, public, government and global like-minded organisations;
- Maintain records of activities and actively engage with each member;
- Conduct reviews, benchmark successes and identify shortfalls in poaching interventions.